【代表性学术著作、论文】 1.Han P, An X. Z, Zhang Y X, Zou Z S. FEM modeling on the compaction of Fe and Al composite powders. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Metallurgy, 2015, 51(2): 163-171. (SCI)
2.Han P, An X. Z, Zhang Y X, Huang F, Yang T X, Fu H T, Yang X H, Zou Z S. Particulate scale MPFEM modeling on compaction of Fe and Al composite powders. Powder Technology, 2017, 314, 69-77. (SCI)
3.Han P, An X. Z, Wang D F, Fu H T, Yang X H, Zhang H, Zou Z S. Compaction densification behavior of Fe-Al composite powders with different size ratios modelled by MPFEM. Journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 741: 473-481. (SCI)
4.Chen L F, Liu K, Han P, et al. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation on Inclusion-Argon-Liquid Steel Phenomenon in RH Refining of High-Manganese and High-Aluminum Steel. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019. (SCI)
5.Zhou L W, Han P, Liu K, et al. Particulate Scale Multiparticle Finite Element Method Modeling on the 2D Compaction and Release of Copper Powder. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019. (SCI)
6.Liu G Q, Liu K, Han P, et al. Numerical investigation on behaviors of interlaced jets and their interaction with bath in BOF steelmaking. AIP Advances, 2019, 9(7): 075202. (SCI)
7.Liu G Q, Liu K, Han P. Metallurgical performance of innovative double-parameter oxygen lance in BOF steelmaking. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2020, 48(4): 437-446. (SCI)
8.Liu G Q, Liu K, Han P. Splash sheet characteristics induced by the impingement of multiple jets in a steelmaking converter. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(1): 25-32. (SCI)
9.Hongbin Jia, Yanxin Li, Peng Han, et al. Turbulence Calculations of a Dual-Structure Oxygen Lance for Converter Based on Hydrodynamics. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021: 1-16. (SCI)
10.Hongbin Jia, Peng Han, Kun Liu, et al. Jet characteristicsof a double-structure oxygen lance and its interaction with the molten pool in BOF steelmaking. AIP Advances, 2021, 11: 085330-1-085330-18. (SCI)
11.Junnan Li, Peng Han, Yingshi Xu, et al. A Study of Compaction Densification Behavior of Composite Particles by Multiparticle Finite Element Method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 2022: 1-11. (SCI)
12.Xi Wang, Peng Han, Kun Liu. Effect of multi-angle parameter on fluid flow characteristics of swirl-type oxygen lance. Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2022, 119(3): 1-10. (SCI)
13.杨博文,韩鹏,张国新,等. 除鳞喷嘴稳流器结构参数对喷嘴内流场特性的影响. 连铸,2023,5:62-69.
14.孙梦丽,韩鹏,徐英士. 钨铜复合粉末成形过程的颗粒尺度数值模拟. 粉末冶金工业,2023,33(5):1-6.
15.Xinyu Gao, Peng Han, Bin Yang, et al. Characteristics of the instantaneous kinetic energy and agitating intensity index for the bath flow under various bottom regiment configurations. Metallurgy Materials Engineering, 2024. (SCI)
16.Peng Xu, Peng Han, Zhijun He, et al. CFD-DEM study on the synergistic effect of coke consumption and particle dynamics in the blast furnace raceway. Particuology, 2024, 89: 270-278. (SCI)
【专利】 1.安希忠,韩鹏,钱泉,王德峰,张玉玺,吴永利,王林,黄芬,黄飞,付海涛,杨晓红,冯百鸣. 一种实现金属间化合物高性能振压成形设备,中国:ZL201620060981.3. 2016.8.31.
2.李洪宇,霍兆义,韩鹏,何勇. 一种采用热泵原理对污泥进行冷冻融解的装置,中国:201920312164.6. 2020.1.24.
3.刘坤,陈立峰,韩鹏,刘广强,冯亮花. 一种异径同步耦合高炉风口喷吹装置及喷吹纳米颗粒工艺方法,中国:201921128617.6. 2020.4.14.
4.韩鹏, 刘坤, 王玺, 陈立峰, 王帅辉, 冯亮花, 刘广强. 一种大型转炉喷吹工艺方法, 中国: ZL201911009556.6. 2021.6.11.
5.陈立峰, 刘坤, 冯亮花, 刘广强, 韩鹏, 王玺, 韩豪雷, 李绘祥, 巴凯杰, 张国新, 王帅辉, 成琳. 纳米颗粒离散态喷入式生产核能金属材料的冶金工艺, 中国, ZL201811146371.5. 2020.6.5.
6.陈立峰, 刘坤, 刘广强, 冯亮花, 韩鹏, 贾宏斌, 孔令种, 王玺. 纳米颗粒RH真空室加入式生产电器设备金属材料的工艺, 中国, ZL201811392884.4. 2020.6.5.
7.孙梦丽,徐鹏,韩鹏. 一种带扰流装置的高炉用喷煤枪喷头,中国:ZL202222856922.5. 2022.10.27.
8.孙梦丽,韩鹏,刘坤. 一种耐腐蚀效果好的多孔氧枪喷头,中国:ZL202223153349.8. 2022.11.28.
【主要科研项目】 1.海工钢国家重点实验室,复合磁场作用下海工钢特厚板坯宏观传输与凝固行为研究,主持